BRJS v0.5 - dependency analysis, IE8 support & more

by Pre Vyas on 19 Mar 2014

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The latest release of BRJS, v0.5, comes with new dependency analysis commands, IE8 support and improved stability for running tests on Windows.

New Dependency Analysis commands

Want to better understand why a class or other asset type is being bundled as a dependency? Or even just to understand the dependencies of your application in a tree graph? This one's for you!


* app-deps <app> [<aspect>] [-A|--all]
* workbench-deps <app> <bladeset> <blade>
* dep-insight <app> <require-path> [<aspect>] [-p|--prefix] [-a|--alias] [-A|--all]

Example output

$ ./brjs app-deps myApp

Aspect 'default' dependencies found:
    +--- 'default-aspect/index.html' (seed file)
    |    \--- 'myApp/Class1'
    |    |    +--- 'myApp/Class2'
    +--- 'resources/xml/config.xml' (seed file)
    |    \--- 'myApp/Class1' (*)

    (*) - dependencies omitted (listed previously)

For further details on these commands, see our wiki page for debugging your application dependencies.

IE8 Support

We've made changes to the entry point library for all BRJS applications. We call this br-bootstrap. This library now depends on a number of shims to support IE8 'out of the box'. These include html5shiv, es5-shim and normalize (v2.1.1).

If you don't want or need to support IE8 you can override the default dependencies on a per-app basis by overriding the br-bootstrap in the app's libs folder. This is done by creating apps/<myAppName>/libs/br-bootstrap. In that a library.manifest with the following content:

depends: browser-modules
exports: bootstrap

This replaces the default of:

depends: browser-modules, br-shims
exports: bootstrap

This is subject to change.

Improved stability of running tests on Windows

In our previous v0.4 release we had a known issue related to a Java 7 bug that caused the JVM to crash on Windows due to a race condition when closing/cancelling File Watchers.

This bug is still open with Oracle at the moment, but in the interim we've got a temporary workaround which is to not cancel() or close() the File Watchers on Windows and let the process terminate them when it ends.

Download BRJS v0.5

Have a look at the getting started guide which runs through creating your first Blades and hooking them up together in an app with the new release from GitHub.

To stay informed, please follow @BladeRunnerJS on Twitter and tweet us feedback and/or comments.

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