The year so far & 1.0 update
by Andy Berry

It's been a while since our blog saw some love. It's about time for an update a 1.0 release and what else the team have been up to.


Anonymously Tracking Developer Toolkit Usage with Keen IO and Pusher
by Phil Leggetter

For a recent hack day Andy Berry and I decided to add opt-in anonymous usage tracking to the BladeRunnerJS toolkit. We used Keen IO to capture, analyse and visualise the statistics, and Pusher to add realtime updates to a BladeRunnerJS dashboard app we built. In this post I'll cover why we wanted to do this and how it was achieved.


Using AngularJS with BladeRunnerJS
by Phil Leggetter

For quite a while now we've spoken about it being possible to use any framework/library (e.g. Backbone, Angular, Ember, React, Polymer) within a BladeRunnerJS (BRJS) app. Angular is by far the most popular front-end framework right now so it makes sense to demonstrate how to use it with BRJS first.


BRJS v0.12 Released
by Phil Leggetter

BladeRunnerJS (BRJS) v0.12 represents the first release that contains some significant improvements that are focused on making it much easier for everybody to get started using BRJS. Read more to find out about the intuitive app structure, static file deployment, API Docs and AngularJS tutorial.


Thoughts from ForwardJS
by Phil Leggetter

ForwardJS took place in San Francisco last week. It was a great event consisting of progressive workshops and talks. Here's a post covering our involvement and the things I found most interesting: FluxJS, ES6 and Web Components.


Open Sourcing, Events & Measuring Success
by Phil Leggetter

Every so often it's worth taking a look back at the events you've been involved in and what the outcome of that involvement was. In April I wrote a post on Open Sourcing Stats. This post continues with that theme of open reflection and process transparency. It's also very important as a way of reporting back to the business that's funding the project. So, here are the details about what we've been doing (workshops, talks, sponsorship), how we've felt they've gone and some stats related to each event. What events have you been involved in and how do you track and measure the success of those events?


Modelling Web Apps
by James Turner

Most web app development environments and toolsets treat an app as a bunch of files. The files are initially created using scaffolding tools such as Yeoman and then built and deployed with the likes of Grunt, Gulp and Broccoli. These stitch together tools like file-watchers, CSS compilers, JavaScript compressors like Uglify/Closure etc. BladeRunnerJS takes a radically different approach - implementing a rich domain model for a web app. Find out why...