
The default JavaScript bundler in BladeRunnerJS (BRJS) lets you reference code using Node.js-style require, module.exports and exports syntax within your application's JavaScript. The generated JavaScript is then supported within the browser using a library called browser-modules.

The contents of each JavaScript file within your application's codebase is entirely up to you. For example, you could have a single JavaScript file at the root of any group of files that exposes all the functionality within that group of files.

In BRJS we tend to make each file define a single class. In taking this approach you require individual class definitions rather than groups of definitions of classes as you might in other module or packaging systems. As above, you can take the approach you prefer.

In the following examples we'll reference individual classes to demonstrate how you can use require, module.exports and exports within your BRJS application's code.

Require paths

The paths to be used with calls to require do not always directly relate to the locations of files on disk. Instead they should be thought of as a reference based on where the module is defined within the application's logical structure (app, aspect, bladeset, blade and library).

For example, given a module defined in a file called InputViewModel.js that resides in a blade called input, that is part of a BladeSet called todos within an app called brjstodo, it would be required as follows:

var InputViewModel = require( 'brjstodo/todos/input/InputViewModel' );

If you are referencing a module that is defined within a library then the require path will be <app-name>/<library-name>/<path-to-file>. For example, if there is a class defined in a file called LocalStorageService.js that resides in a library called todoservice that is part of a brjstodo application, then it would be required as follows:

var LocalStorageService = require( 'brjstodo/todoservice/LocalStorageService' );


You can export a reference by assigning it to the module.exports property. In the example below Foo is defined within a file named Foo.js.

function Foo() {

Foo.prototype.sayHi = function() {
  console.log( 'hi' );

module.exports = Foo;

If you have a file that is in the same directory as Foo.js you can then use the Foo module by requiring it as follows:

var Foo = require( 'Foo' );

var foo = new Foo();


You can also export references by assigning them as properties to an exports object.

Baz is defined in a Bar.js file as follows:

function Baz() {

Baz.prototype.sayHi = function() {
  console.log( 'hi' );

exports.Baz = Baz;

If you have a file that is in the same directory as Bar.js you can then use the Baz class from the Bar module as follows

var Baz = require( 'Bar' ).Baz;

var baz = new Baz();

More about browser-modules

The browser-modules repository provides much more information about how it works. This includes information on things like circular dependency detection and how that impacts CommonJS compliance.

Where next?

If you're interested in writing object oriented JavaScript then take a look at the Interfaces section.

Or you can take a look at sharing code across applications through the use of libraries.