Using the Unbundled Resources

Unbundled Resources are assets that shouldn't be minified and bundled, meaning that they will not be processed by any of the BRJS bundlers. This feature could be used, for example, when adding inline images to your apps.

The <@unbundled-resources@/> tag allows you to load resources local to where the tag has been used, e.g.:

  • within an aspect index page, it loads unbundled-resources from the aspect.
  • within a bladeset workbench page, it loads unbundled-resources from the bladeset workbench.
  • within a blade workbench page, it loads unbundled-resources from the blade workbench.

Unbundled Resources need to be placed in a unbundled-resources folder on the level where you would like to use them (aspect, bladeset, bladeset workbench or blade workbench) and may be a file of any type.

Unbundled Resources may be versioned or unversioned.


For adding a typography.css file located in your entity's unbundled-resources/standard-theme folder, add the following:

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="<@unbundled-resources@/>/standard-theme/typography.css" />

Note that for navigating to upper entities' resources, you may do so command level style, e.g. ../../../<@unbundled-resources@/>.