How to Create an Aspect

In order to create an aspect you first need to create an application. Follow our guide to creating an app before you follow the instructions below.

Note that unlike apps, bladesets and blades, aspects can not currently be created on the BladeRunnerJS dashboard. Future releases will support creating aspects from the dashboard.

Once you have an application you can create an aspect as follows:

$ ./brjs create-aspect <app-name> <aspect-name>

This will create an aspect with the name provided in the aspect-name parameter in the application identified by the app-name parameter.


The following command will create an aspect called mobile for the brjstodo app:

$ ./brjs create-aspect brjstodo mobile

As part of this a mobile-aspect directory is created in the brjstodo application directory.

In the newly created aspect directory you'll find an index.html entry point a src directory for your JavaScript, a themes directory for your CSS and images, and a resources directory for everything else. You can view this default aspect by starting the BRJS development server: bash $ ./brjs serve This will start the development web server running on localhost port 7070. You can view the aspect by navigating to http://localhost:7070/brjstodo/mobile.

Where next?

  • You may have already created bladesets and blades for your app, if not, take a look at Creating Bladesets.
  • Once you have created aspects and blades, you should take a look at adding a blade to an aspect.
  • For more information about aspects, see the aspects concept page.