BladeRunnerJS Glossary


We use the generic word Assets to describe all of the different types of content that can comprise an application. This includes:

  • JavaScript Source
  • HTML Templates
  • CSS Stylesheets
  • CSS Resources (e.g. Images, Typefaces, etc)
  • I18N Properties Files
  • XML Configuration

For more information see the concept section on Assets.


Asset-Containers represent the broad areas on disk where assets can be found by the BRJS model. The following are all asset-containers:

  • Aspect
  • BladeSet
  • Blade
  • Workbench
  • Test Pack
  • Library


Asset-Locations on the other hand represent the exact directories within an asset-container where assets can be found. The following are all asset-locations for example:

  • resources
  • src
  • src-test


See Asset.


Blades are at the heart of how BladeRunnerJS works. Each blade is a complete, individual, vertical slice of business functionality. They enable you to develop complex modular HTML5 applications that can be run and tested in isolation from the application as a whole. A blade encapsulates all the required resources – JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML, images, etc – to implement a particular high level feature. For example, a blade might implement a map UI, a chat window, a charting module or an alerting mechanism. A blade usually (but not always) corresponds to a particular area of the display.

For more information see [/docs/concepts/blades].


An Asset-Location that can be bundled.


Bundles represent a number of the same asset-type that have been bundled together in order to be served to the web browser or as your application deployment package.


Assets that contain references to other assets that should also be bundled are known as linked-assets, and in BladeRunnerJS these include the following asset types:

  • JavaScript Source
  • HTML Templates
  • XML Configuration


An Asset entry point to be analyzed as part of the bundling process.

See Bundlers.


JavaScript Source is a special type of linked-asset known as a source-module. Source-Modules are addressable using a require path, and usually relate to a single JavaScript file on disk, but a single source-module may also be composed from multiple JavaScript files too.