Using the Command Line

The brjs executable is available to use for Windows, Mac and Linux. It is located in BRJS_HOME/sdk.


To get general help execute:

$ ./brjs help

To get help for a specific command use:

$ ./brjs help <command-name>

Start the Development Server

To start the development server run:

$ brjs serve [(-p|--port) <port>]

This will start the server. The -p flag is an optional port number. The default port is 7070. You can also change the port the server starts on by updating the value of the jettyPort configuration option in BRJS_HOME/conf/brjs.conf.

Start the Test Server

Start the server used for serving files for test.

./brjs test-server [--no-browser]

For more information see running tests.

Run Tests

Execute tests beneath a given path.

./brjs test <path>

For more information see running tests.

Dependency Analysis Commands

Note: These commands were introduced in BRJS v0.5 As part of helping the developer debugging experience, BRJS provides the following commands to help visualise dependencies.

  • app-deps <app> [<aspect>] [-A|--all]
  • workbench-deps <app> <bladeset> <blade> [-A|--all]
  • bundle-deps <bundle-dir> [-A|--all]
  • dep-insight <app> <require-path> [<aspect>] [-p|--prefix] [-a|--alias] [-A|--all]

The command output have been modelled upon gradle's dependencies and dependencyInsight commands, and provide output like this:

brjs app-deps

This command is to analyse the full set of dependencies for a given application aspect (e.g.<myApp>)


app-deps <app> [<aspect>] [-A|--all]


› ./brjs app-deps brjstodo

Aspect 'default' dependencies found:
    +--- 'index.html' (seed file)
    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/br/src/br/ServiceRegistry.js' (*)
    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/br/src/br/Errors.js' (*)
    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/br/src/br/Core.js' (*)
    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/thirdparty/topiarist'
    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/br/src/br/AliasRegistry.js'
    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/br/src/br/EventHub.js' (*)
    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/thirdparty/emitr'
    |    \--- 'src/brjstodo/App.js'
    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/knockout/src/br/knockout/KnockoutComponent.js'
    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/thirdparty/ko' (*)
    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/component/src/br/component/Component.js'
    |    |    |    \--- 'alias!br.html-service' (alias dep.)
    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/services/src/br/services/BRHtmlResourceService.js'
    |    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/services/src/br/services/HtmlResourceService.js'
    |    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/core/src/br/core/File.js'
    |    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/br/src/br/I18n.js' (*)
    |    |    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/i18n/src/br/i18n/I18N.js'
    |    |    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/i18n/src/br/i18n/Translator.js'
    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/i18n/src/br/i18n/LocalisedTime.js'
    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/i18n/src/br/i18n/LocalisedDate.js'
    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/thirdparty/momentjs'
    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/i18n/src/br/i18n/LocalisedNumber.js'
    |    |    \--- 'todo-bladeset/blades/input/src/brjstodo/todo/input/InputViewModel.js'
    |    |    |    \--- 'alias!br.event-hub' (alias dep.) (*)
    |    |    \--- 'todo-bladeset/blades/items/src/brjstodo/todo/items/ItemsViewModel.js'

    (*) - subsequent instances not shown (use -A or --all to show)

The -p prefix command-flag is powerful in that it will take the given <require-path> and find all dependencies for classes with that as it's prefix, E.g. 'novox'.

brjs workbench-deps

This command is similar to aspect-deps but allows you inspect dependencies for your blade's workbench.


workbench-deps <app> <bladeset> <blade> [-A|--all]


› ./brjs workbench-deps brjstodo todo input

Workbench dependencies found:
    +--- 'todo-bladeset/blades/input/workbench/index.html' (seed file)
    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/br/src/br/ServiceRegistry.js' (*)
    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/br/src/br/Errors.js' (*)
    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/br/src/br/Core.js' (*)
    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/thirdparty/topiarist'
    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/br/src/br/AliasRegistry.js' (*)
    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/br/src/br/EventHub.js' (*)
    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/thirdparty/emitr' (*)
    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/workbench/src/br/workbench/tools/EventHubViewer.js'
    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/knockout/src/br/knockout/KnockoutComponent.js' (*)
    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/thirdparty/ko' (*)
    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/component/src/br/component/Component.js' (*)
    |    |    |    \--- 'alias!br.html-service' (alias dep.) (*)
    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/services/src/br/services/JSTDHtmlResourceService.js'
    |    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/services/src/br/services/BRHtmlResourceService.js'
    |    |    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/services/src/br/services/HtmlResourceService.js'
    |    |    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/core/src/br/core/File.js'
    |    |    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/br/src/br/I18n.js' (*)
    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/i18n/src/br/i18n/I18N.js'
    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/i18n/src/br/i18n/Translator.js'
    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/i18n/src/br/i18n/LocalisedTime.js'
    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/i18n/src/br/i18n/LocalisedDate.js'
    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/thirdparty/momentjs' (*)
    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/i18n/src/br/i18n/LocalisedNumber.js'
    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/workbench/src/br/workbench/ui/WorkbenchComponent.js' (*)
    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/knockout/src/br/knockout/workbench/KnockoutModelTree.js'

    lines removed for brevity

    |    \--- 'todo-bladeset/blades/input/src/brjstodo/todo/input/InputViewModel.js'
    |    |    \--- 'alias!br.event-hub' (alias dep.) (*)

    (*) - subsequent instances not shown (use -A or --all to show)

brjs bundle-deps

This command gives you exactly the same functionality as provided by app-deps and workbench-deps, but does so in a more generic manner by requiring you to provide the path to a bundlable directory, rather than providing context specific arguments for this. This means you can also use this command to inspect the bundles that would be generated for library, aspect, blade-set, blade and workbench tests.


bundle-deps <bundle-dir> [-A|--all]


For example, to see the bundle dependencies for the unit tests within a blade 'input', within the blade-set 'todo', within the app 'brjstodo', you would need to run:

› ./brjs bundle-deps ../brjs-apps/brjstodo/todo-bladeset/blades/input/tests/test-unit/js-test-driver/

Bundle 'brjs-apps/brjstodo/todo-bladeset/blades/input/tests/test-unit/js-test-driver' dependencies found:
    +--- 'todo-bladeset/blades/input/tests/test-unit/js-test-driver/tests/InputViewModelTest.js' (seed file)
    |    \--- 'todo-bladeset/blades/input/src/brjstodo/todo/input/InputViewModel.js'
    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/thirdparty/ko'
    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/br/src/br/ServiceRegistry.js' (*)
    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/br/src/br/Errors.js' (*)
    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/br/src/br/Core.js' (*)
    |    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/thirdparty/topiarist'
    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/br/src/br/AliasRegistry.js'
    |    |    \--- 'alias!br.event-hub' (alias dep.)
    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/br-libs/br/src/br/EventHub.js'
    |    |    |    |    \--- '../../libs/javascript/thirdparty/emitr'

    (*) - subsequent instances not shown (use -A or --all to show)

dep-insight (requirePath)

This command allows you track your dependency in reverse and is useful to see why a specific class is being bundled that you don't expect.


dep-insight <app> <require-path> [<aspect>] [-p|--prefix] [-a|--alias] [-A|--all]


› ./brjs dep-insight brjstodo brjstodo/todo/input/InputViewModel

Source module 'brjstodo/todo/input/InputViewModel' dependencies found:
    +--- 'todo-bladeset/blades/input/src/brjstodo/todo/input/InputViewModel.js'
    |    \--- 'src/brjstodo/App.js'
    |    |    \--- 'index.html' (seed file)

dep-insight (alias)

This command when used with the -a flag allows you to pass in an alias where you want dependency insight as to why/where it is being bundled from.


dep-insight <app> <alias> -a [<aspect>] [-p|--prefix] [-A|--all]


    Alias '' composition:
        name: 'br.foolib.the-alias' (defined in 'br/foolib/resources/aliasDefinitions.xml')
        interface: 'br.foolib.TheInterface' (defined in 'br/foolib/resources/aliasDefinitions.xml')
        class: 'acme.MegaClass' (defined in 'helperlib/resources/aliasDefinitions.xml' within group 'helperlib.g1')
             -- (selected for use within 'resources/aliases.xml')

    Alias '' dependencies found:
        +--- 'novox/pkg/SomeClass'
        |    \--- 'novox/pkg/SomeUnusedClass'
        |    |    \--- 'index.html'

The above commands are still quite new and we're considering making improvements/flags to help developers further. All usage feedback is welcome!