Running Tests

Tests of any kind are executing using the brjs test command which uses JS Test Driver. This means that both code and business tests can be executed at the same time if required, using the same test runner.

Running tests with configuration

By default executing test requires browser locations to be configured. The configuration file can be found in BRJS_HOME/conf/test-runner.conf.

This file contains the most common paths to browser installations. Simply comment out the lines appropriate to your browsers or update the paths if required. For example:

    # chrome enabled
    chrome: "/Applications/Google Chrome"
#    firefox: /Applications/
#   !!safari is currently not supported in this version of BladeRunner!!
#    safari: /Applications/

Now you can execute tests by running the brjs test command and supplying a path to the tests you wish to execute. You can run tests for an application at different levels of granularity - from all application tests through to tests for a single Blade or library - by passing the test command the approprate path.

Run all tests for the brjs-todo application:

$ ./brjs test ../brjs-apps/brjs-todo

Run the tests for just the todo-input Blade:

$ ./brjs test ../brjs-apps/brjs-todo/todo-bladeset/blades/todo-input

Running tests with specific browsers

You can also run the tests and specify which browsers you wish to run the tests against. To do this you need to have the browsers configured in test-runner.conf (as above) and use call the brjs test command passing a -b flag and browser options, as follows:

To target different browsers an additional parameter is passed to the bladerunner test-server, or bladerunner test commands, as documented in the output of the bladerunner test help command.

$ ./brjs test <tests-path> -b <browsers>

Above, browsers is a comma separated list of labels used for each browser in the browserPaths section of the testrunner.conf file. i.e. Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc. You can add additional labels with your own names (e.g. ie10) if you want to test against particular versions of a browser.

An example of running tests for the brjs-todo app using Firefox and Chrome would be: bash $ ./brjs test ../brjs-apps/brjs-todo -b firefox,chrome

Note: firefox and chrome would need to be commented out in test-runner.conf

Running tests without setting config

If you would rather not set configuration you can instead start the test server and pass the --no-browser flag to indicate no browsers need to be configured: bash $ ./brjs test-server --no-browser This will start the test server listening on the port identified by the portNumber option in BRJS_HOME/conf/test-runner.conf. By default this is 4224. You can then navigate to http://localhost:4224 which will set the browser listening for tests to run, and then execute tests and passing the path to the tests you want to run.

Run all tests for the brjs-todo application:

$ ./brjs test ../brjs-apps/brjs-todo

Run the tests for just the todo-input Blade: bash $ ./brjs test ../brjs-apps/brjs-todo/todo-bladeset/blades/todo-input

Debugging Tests

Once you have your tests written and running, you are likely to get to a point where you want to work out why a particular test is failing. By default, tests run in a browser (i.e. not headless) and when this is the case, you can easily add a debugger statement to your test or the code that you are testing. The browser will stop code execution as if a break point were set at that line of code.

The steps for debugging tests are as simple as:

  1. Add debugger statement to the area of code you wish to debug
  2. Execute the test e.g. ./brjs test ../brjs-apps/brjs-todo/todo-bladeset/blades/todo-input. Note: The smallest group of tests you can execute at the moment are to a blade level.
  3. Debug the test using browser developer tools

Some browsers may require the developer tools to be open in order to react to the break point.